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2X60MW机组热工控制集散型控制系统工程采用MACS系统进行自动化工程监控后,可通过CRT及轨迹跟踪球/键盘并辅以少量的重要常规监控仪表完成对整台机组启动、联锁保护、正常监控及紧急停机的全部监控功能,并在机组控制室内能满足各种工况运行要求。控制室内控制盘、台分开布置, DCS操作员站布置在机组控制台上,打印机布置在控制室内打印机台上。DCS工程师站布置在控制室内设置的工程师站室内。

a. 数据采集和处理系统(DAS)
b. 模拟量控制系统(MCS)
c. 顺序控制系统(SCS)等控制功能。

1.1. 1活塞杆
· 抗弯曲,基于球形的轴承引起的,设计力以及任何横向力或者摩擦力矩。
· 由于外加电压和张力引起的压力。
· 有关活塞安装及驱动结构的附件的螺旋状要求。




译文标题:Machine Control System

After automatic monitoring through MACS system, 2X60MW Assembling Thermal-control Terminal Control Systematic Engineering can fulfill all the monitoring functions such as starting the whole sets of assembly, interlock protecting, regular monitoring and emergent shutdown through CRT and tracking ball / keyboard with less important conventional monitoring instruments. It also can meet the requirements under various kinds of operating modes in the control room of the assembly. In the console cabinet, control panel and platform are decorated separately; operator's station of DCS is decorated on the assembly's control platform; the printer is fixed up on printer platform and engineer station of DCS is assigned in the engineer room.

Adopt the MACS decentralized control system(DCS)
a. Data Acquisition & Process System (DAS)
b. Analog Control System (MCS)
c. Sequential Control System(SCS) and other control functions

The cylinder piston rod is made of carbon steel and is provided with a surface coating to improve the running characteristics and to prevent corrosion. The type of surface finish applied to the rod determines to a great extent the corrosion resistance of the piston rod.
In determining the diameter, a number of aspects are taken into account in the design. These aspects are:
· The resistance to bending, based on the design force and on any transverse forces or frictional moments from spherical bearings
· Stresses occurring as a result of the applied pressure and tensile force
· Geometric requirements relating to the mounting of the piston and the attachment to the driven construction

Convenient operation
All the signals of control, measure, monitoring and protecting are sent to PLC filed, and can be monitored through the touch-sensitive screen and computer monitoring system. All components and parts in the hydraulic pressure and electric control systems are identified clearly, even some of them with light instruction, which makes operation is very convenient.

Easy Maintenance
All control valves in the hydraulic pressure system are installed on the collectively. It is apt to safeguard to control the valve one to install on the valve block, which makes maintenance and renewal conveniently.
All components in hydraulic pressure and electric- control system have common-ability and interchangeability. It makes the replacement easily.
Manual isolated valve on the pipeline of hydraulic pressure system makes the maintenance convenient.

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