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    我們也向你解釋了目前的移民政策規定凡是獲得LTBV的申請人可以在將來的時間有資格在所謂的企業家類別下申請新西蘭長期居留。 我們同?向你解釋了關於EC政策的具体要求??以便你能?及早意識到你的移民申請不?要滿足LTBV?件也同?要滿足EC的要求,事?很明顯LTBV申請之后你就?在EC??下希望能?(?早)取得長期居留。



1. 原始“雇傭條款”文件及它的復印件一份。我們誠心希望你能夠在確實讀過並理解承諾條款的大意之後簽署原始文件並返還給我們。另請保存復印件。

2. 其中一份關於申請LTBV/EC費用表的復印件我們已經在最初的會談中交於你。

3. 我們首次所需費用的帳單及第一階段的律師費用支出和申請LTBV費用支出。


    現在我們將重申我們與你已經討論過的幾個 重要觀點:

1. 我們向你解釋過直到你確實從新西蘭移民局得到長期商務簽証(申請涉及到的被負擔人也得到相應的簽証/許可)你不能做任何更改或者實施任何有可能造成你經濟或其他損失的計劃或行動否則你的申請將不會被批準。類似地,就你在新西蘭 商業投資企劃而言,我們也建議過,你不能採取任何行動或切實開始新企業或購置企業或租約承諾或其他任何不能更改或可能造成你經濟及其他損失的行動,否則你的LTBV申請將會被拒絕。

2. 我們向你解釋過新西蘭的稅收系統,新西蘭政府征收納稅人遍布世界的收入因此如果你在申請新西蘭居留期間仍繼續從新西蘭境外獲取收入,你最好在填寫LTBV或居留申請表格之前,與最好的國際稅收會計師協商,咨詢你的新西蘭居留對你的稅收情況的確切影響並且咨詢在你成為新西蘭納稅人之前採取什麼的行動能使你在新西蘭或海外國家的稅收赤字減到最小。

3. 我們向你解釋過Kundig Associates 和特許會計師為你準備的商業計劃將是為了移民之目的以及為了會談和LTBV政策所需具體要求。我們向你解釋過即使計劃內容嚴格服從你的本意但計劃書並不必然保証你自己的真正商業活動能夠成功。

4. 我們向你解釋過任何人,包括我們自己及特許會計師,都不能確切地百分之百擔保說你將來的居留申請能簡單的被批準,即便這份居留申請是在EC下,而且你又成功地完成制定出你的商業企劃的目標並與LTBV申請一起遞交(雖然我們也同樣持有一定地希望)。

5. 我們向你解釋過一種可能對你將來在EC下申請居留增加成功機會的辦法,即你能夠同意對你的企業進行每6個月一次的常規財會/移民檢查,並且檢查結果與你跟LTBV申請一起遞交給新西蘭移民局的商業企劃書大致相同,這樣做能夠確保你能按部就班地遵守EC規定的居留條件。我們給予你的強有力的建議是基於以上提及的原因你應該同意這種檢查程序。我們也向你闡述我們相信從商業的角度出發,這種檢查也是一種很好的辦法。

6. 我們也向你解釋過如果你拒絕接受實行我們向客戶(這些客戶有興趣將來在EC下獲取居留)建議的每6個月一次的常規財會/移民檢查,也就是說如果你取得LTBV並有資格申請居留的這期間你拒絕服從或繼續服從EC的具體要求,這直接會喪失將來在EC下合格獲取居留的機會。。

7. 我們向你解釋過在LTBV-EC類別下申請長期居留一般我們分為三個階段而獲取LTBV只是第一階段。第二階段同樣是非常重要的階段,起於你確實開始從事向你商業企劃中描述的商業活動(無論發生在只有LTBV三年中的任何時間)持續從那日起至少兩年。我們相信這為期兩年的第二階段是最重要的因為它決定將來你在EC下是否有資格獲取新西蘭居民。換言之,這為期兩年的階段是“考驗期”,新西蘭移民局在審理你的案例時,就會對你在這兩年“考驗期”的商業活動的表現,更具體地是你獲取的經濟效益進行詳細地考慮。

8. 我們向你解釋過假如你獲取的LTBV(階段一)和你第二階段的商業階段性檢查都能夠顯示你企業的管理和由此所獲的經濟效益是循規蹈矩的,我們有信心相信你的EC申請(第三階段)應該可以滿足EC申請標準。那些具體標準是:

a) 在這兩年“考驗期”的任何一年期間,你從任何商業活動中獲取的經濟所得必須是依據與LTBV申請一起遞交的商業企劃,即是你沒有成立一個不是申請簽證時你告訴移民局會申請的公司 。

b) 企業中你須持有規定的最低限以上的股票比率。(如果購買紐國企業的股份是你計畫中的一部份)

c) 你要確保在為期兩年的考驗期你要合法和積極地參與到你在新西蘭經營企業的管理和操作。如果你作為申請人每年出境紐國的時間超過個4星期,你必須要證明在國外額外的時間是用來發展你在紐國公司的業務。

d) 你的企業是成功的,即最最起碼企業必須繼續雇傭一個人(可以是你自己為業主)同時這以後的企業能在這兩年的每一年中完成“最低條件獲取居留”規定的至少不賠不賺並幫助紐國:

* 介紹新或加強已有的科技、管理和技術或;
* 介紹新或加強已有的產品和服務或;
* 創造或擴大已有的出口市場或;
* 創造就業機會(除了主申請人之外) 或;
* 復興已有的紐國企業或;
* 其公司有產生利潤或使移民局官員相信在未來一年裡會產生利潤

e) 確保家庭內所有最終申請成員保持身體健康。

f) 確保家庭內所有最終申請成員保持良好品格。

g) 確保在你準備填寫EC居民申請時最終申請人的子女不足25周歲。

h) 在持LTBV簽證期間必須確保你或你的家庭成員不會申請社會福利金

i) 你作為申請人必須符合雅思成績5分的標準並且願意幫你的每一個準備申請居留的家庭成員支付ESOL的學費以便使不能達到要求的成員滿足英語標準。



P W Kundig
訟務律師 兼 事務律師




We write to confirm the points which we discussed with you during our recent meeting with respect to your application for a Long Term Business Visa the said Category hereinafter referred to as the "LTBV").

We discussed carefully the specific requirements of the New Zealand Immigration Service's ("NZIS") LTBV policy, after having firstly eliminated all other possibly "easier" ways of obtaining permanent residence for you. In other words, before discussing with you the LTBV criteria we made sure that there was no way for you to obtain permanent residence under any of the other currently available residence categories.

We also explained to you that under current immigration policy an applicant who obtains an LTBV may become eligible at some future time, to apply for permanent residence in New Zealand under what is known as the Entrepreneur Category ("EC"). We also explained carefully to you the requirements of the EC policy so that you are fully aware and informed, as early as possible in your immigration voyage, not only of the LTBV requirements but the EC requirements, in anticipation of the fact that you will be desirous of obtaining permanent residence in New Zealand (as soon as possible) under the EC, the "natural successor" to an LTBV application.

At our initial meeting we discussed our schedule of fees with you in connection with an LTBV application in a situation such as yours, where the applicant has specifically indicated to us (as you have) that your long range intention is to obtain residence in New Zealand, and if possible under the EC.

We either enclose with this letter or will shortly send separately to you the following:

Original "Terms of Engagement" document together with a simple photocopy thereof. We would be grateful if you could please sign the original document and return it to us to confirm that you have read and understood our general Terms of Engagement. Please retain the photocopy for yourself.

One of our LTBV/EC schedule of fees, a copy of which we already handed to you at our first meeting.

Our initial bill of costs and disbursements to cover the first stage of our legal fees and disbursements in connection with your LTBV application.

The next stage in your application procedure will be for us to have a "documents/timetabling" meeting, during which we will provide you with a comprehensive Checklist of Documents for a LTBV application and go through that checklist with you very carefully. At that meeting we will also then work out a timetable setting out the anticipated dates by which various steps/documents in connection with your application will be taken/available.

We would now like to reiterate the specific points, which we have already discussed with you:

We explained to you that until such time as you actually receive from the NZIS your Long Term Business Visa (and your dependants included in your application receive their "matching" visas/permits) you should not take any irreversible steps, or put in place any plans or actions which may result in financial or other loss to you in the event your LTBV application is not approved. Similarly, we have advised you that insofar as your business plans for New Zealand are concerned, you should not take any active steps to actually begin a business or purchase a business or lease premises or do anything else which is either irreversible or could cause you financial or other loss in the event your LTBV application is declined.

We have explained to you that New Zealand's tax system is one which taxes its tax residents on their world wide income so that if, following your taking up of residence in New Zealand, you will continue to have income from sources outside of New Zealand you should, as a first step before filing your LTBV or residence application, consult a good international tax accountant for advice on the exact effect on your tax situation of you becoming a New Zealand resident and for advice on steps which you may be able to take, before becoming a New Zealand tax resident, to minimise your tax liability in New Zealand and in any overseas country.

We explained to you that the Business Plan which Kundig Associates and the chartered accountants will be preparing for you will be prepared for immigration purposes and for meeting the specific requirements of the LTBV policy. We have explained to you that even strict compliance by you with the content and nature of the business plan does not necessarily ensure that your actual business will be successful.

We have explained to you that no one, including ourselves or the chartered accountants, can actually provide you with a 100% guarantee that a future residence application which you may make under the EC will be approved simply because you have successfully achieved the milestones and goals set out in the business plan submitted with your LTBV application (although that would be a reasonable expectation, one that we ourselves hold).

We have explained to you that one way to increase your chances of successfully applying for residence in the future under the EC is for you to agree to have regular 6 monthly accounting/immigration reviews of the business which may actually result from the Business Plan originally submitted to the NZIS with your LTBV application, to ensure that you are and remain "on track" to complying with the EC residence requirements. We have given you our strong recommendation that you agree to this review process for the foregoing reason. We have also explained to you that we believe this is also of course an excellent idea anyway, from the business perspective.

We have explained to you that your failure to agree to undertake the regular 6 monthly accounting/immigration reviews which we recommend for our LTBV clients (who are interested in obtaining residence in the future, under the EC) may directly diminish your chances of qualifying for residence in the future under the EC if in the intervening period between you obtaining the LTBV and you being eligible to apply for residence under the EC you have failed to comply, or to continue to comply with the specific requirements of the EC, for the requisite amount of time.

We have explained to you that obtaining the LTBV is only the first stage in what we see as a three-stage process of obtaining permanent residence under the "linked" LTBV-EC categories. The second and equally important stage in this process starts from the date when you actually begin doing business as described in your LTBV Business Plan (whenever that date may occur during the three year duration of your LTBV) and lasts for at least two years from that date. We believe that the second two-year stage is of paramount importance as it is the basis upon which your eligibility for obtaining residence in New Zealand under the EC will be determined, at a future date. In other words this two year stage 2 period is the "qualifying period" during which the performance of your business, and more specifically the economic gains you derive from it, are critical and will be carefully considered by the NZIS when assessing your EC application at the conclusion of the two year "qualifying" period.

We have explained to you that provided therefore that you have obtained an LTBV (stage 1) and your business' stage 2 periodic reviews have indicated that your management of the business and the economic gain you are deriving therefrom are "on track" we are confident that your EC application (stage 3) should be able to meet standard EC approval criteria. Those specific criteria are:

a. The business that you establish after receiving your LTBV is consistent with the business plan that you submitted to the NZIS in order to obtain your LTBV (i.e. you have not established a different business than the one you told NZIS you would be establishing).

b. you maintain the minimum required percentage share in your business (if you bought a share in a New Zealand business as part of your business plan).

c. you ensure that during the two-year qualifying period you remain lawfully and actively involved in New Zealand in the management and operation of your business and if you as the principal applicant spend more than four weeks per year outside of New Zealand you are able to demonstrate to the NZIS that the "extra" time outside of New Zealand has been spent on business matters for your New Zealand business.

d. You ensure that your business "promotes New Zealand's economic growth" by (for example):
- introducing new, or enhancing existing, technology, management or technical skills, or
- introducing new, or enhancing existing, products or services; or
- creating new, or expanding existing, export markets; or
- creating employment (other than for the principal applicant*); or
- revitalising an existing New Zealand business; and
- the business is "trading profitably" on the date the application is lodged or a business immigration specialist is satisfied that it clearly has the potential to become profitable within the following 12 months.

e. ensure that all eventual EC applicants in your family maintain good health.

f. ensure that all eventual EC applicants in your family maintain good character.

g. ensure that no eventual EC applicant children of yours will be 20 of age or older by the time you are ready to file your EC residence application.

h. You ensure that neither you nor any of your dependants apply for "welfare assistance" (i.e., Government financial help" at any time during your LTBV period.

i. you as the principal applicant are able to comply with the English language standard (IELTS average score of 5.0) and you are prepared to pay the cost of purchasing pre-paid ESOL tuition for each member of your family who is included in your residence application and who is required to meet the English language standard and who is not able to do so.

Provided that you are able to comply with the requirements which we have set out above, and the New Zealand Government does not change the EC rules, then we can give you an assurance that we can not foresee at this stage any reason why you and your dependants would not qualify for residence under the EC.

Yours faithfully

P.W. Kundig
Barrister & Solicitor

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