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【名 称】 广东省建设工程监理条例
【时 效 性】 有效
【颁布单位】 省人大
【颁布日期】 2000-12-24
【实施日期】 2001-1-1
【文 号】 省九届人大第二十一次会议 (第95号)
【分 类】

第一章 总则
第一条 为规范建设工程监理活动,提高建设工程管理水平和投资效益,保障建设工程质量,保护建设单位、监理单位和其他相关各方的合法权益,根据《中华人民共和国建筑法》和有关法律、法规,结合本省实际,制定本条例。

第二条 本省行政区域内的建设工程监理活动,适用本条例。

第三条 本条例所称建设工程监理,是指工程监理单位受建设单位的委托,在监理合同约定的范围内,依照法律、法规及有关的技术标准、设计文件、工程承包合同,对建设工程质量、建设工期和建设投资的控制等方面实施的监督管理。本条例所称监理单位,是指依法取得监理单位资质证书,具有法人资格,对建设工程项目实施监督的社会中介组织。本条例所称监理工程师,是指依法取得监理工程师资格证书并经注册取得监理工程师岗位证书,在监理单位从事监理业务的专业人员。

第四条 县级以上人民政府建设行政主管部门对本行政区域内的建设工程监理活动进行统一监督管理;其他有关行政管理部门依照有关法律、法规的规定在各自职责范围内对本行业的专业建设工程监理活动进行监督管理。

第五条 第五条 从事建设工程监理活动的单位及其从业人员,应当遵循守法、诚信、公正、科学的原则。

第二章 监理单位与监督管理

第六条 申请设立监理单位,应当报省人民政府建设行政主管部门审批。省人民政府建设行政主管部门受理申请后,应当在三十日内决定是否批准,并书面通知申请人,不予批准的,应当说明理由。设立专业建设工程监理单位的,应当先征求省人民政府相关行政管理部门的意见。监理单位凭省人民政府建设行政主管部门颁发的建设监理申请批准文件办理工商和税务登记后,方可开业。

第七条 设立监理单位,应当具备下列条件:

(一) 有单位名称与办公场所;

(二) 单位的负责人或者技术负责人必须取得监理工程师资格并有高级工程师或者高级建筑师职称;

(三) 有国家规定数额的专职监理工程师;

(四) 有国家规定最低数额的注册资金;

(五) 有单位章程;

(六) 国家规定的其他条件。

第八条 监理单位的资质等级分为甲、乙、丙三个等级,按国家规定实行分级审批。监理单位的资质等级核定条件、业务范围,按照国家和省人民政府的有关规定执行。监理单位资质由核定资质等级的机关负责办理年审,但不得收取年审费用。

第九条 监理单位应当在核定的资质等级许可的范围内承接监理业务。禁止监理单位超越资质等级许可范围或者以其他监理单位的名义承接监理业务。禁止监理单位允许其他单位或个人以本单位的名义承接监理业务。禁止监理单位转让监理业务。

第十条 省外监理单位来粤承接监理业务,应当向省人民政府建设行政主管部门办理进粤登记手续。省内监理单位跨市承接监理业务的,应当到监理项目所在地的建设行政主管部门备案。

第十一条 从事监理工程师岗位工作的人员,必须持国家颁发的监理工程师执业资格证书按规定到省人民政府建设行政主管部门办理注册,取得监理工程师岗位证书。取得监理工程师资格证书但未经注册的,不得以监理工程师的名义从事监理工作。监理工程师不得以个人名义承接监理业务。

第十二条 监理工程师不得同时在两个或者两个以上监理单位任职。在职的国家机关工作人员及与建设工程管理机关的事业单位工作人员不得在监理单位任职。

第十三条 监理单位及其监理工程师与被监理工程的设计、施工单位以及建筑材料、建筑构件配件和设备供应单位有隶属关系或者其他利害关系的,不得承接该工程的监理任务。

第十四条 根据本条例规定,必须实行监理的建设工程项目,建设单位应当依法确定监理单位,并签订建设工程监理合同。未签订建设工程监理合同,建设行政主管部门不得核发施工许可证。

第十五条 建设行政主管部门或者其他有关行政管理部门委托的建设工程质量监督机构在实施工程质量监督时,发现监理单位不履行监理义务、不按技术标准和规范、设计文件进行监理或者违反质量责任的,应当向建设行政主管部门和相关的行政管理部门报告,由建设行政主管部门会同有关行政管理部门进行处理。

第三章 监理的实施

第十六条 建设工程监理分为建设前期阶段监理、设计阶段监理、施工准备阶段监理、施工阶段监理和保修阶段监理。建设前期阶段、设计阶段、保修阶段是否实行监理,由建设单位自行决定。

第十七条 下列建设工程项目的施工准备阶段、施工阶段必须实行监理:

(一) 国家、省、地级以上市的重点建设工程;

(二) 建筑安排工程总造价在八百万元以上的工业、交通、水利、市政公用基础设施等建设工程;

(三) 总建筑面积在二万平方米以上的住宅小区建设工程,单体建筑面积在三千平方米以上的一般工业与民用建筑工程;

(四) 利用外国政府或者国际组织的贷款、援助资金的建设工程;

(五) 国家或省人民政府规定必须实行监理的其他建设工程。地级以上市人民政府的建设行政主管部门可以根据当地的实际情况,制定低于前款规定的规模标准,但不得缩小本条例确定的项目范围,报同级人民政府批准后执行,并报省人民政府建设行政主管部门备案。前两款规定的建设工程项目以外的其他建设工程项目是否实行监理,由建设单位自行决定。

第十八条 建设单位可以委托监理单位承担建设工程各个阶段的监理,也可以委托监理单位承担建设工程某一阶段的监理。但施工准备阶段、施工阶段只能委托同一个监理单位监理。具体监理范围和内容由双方签订合同约定。

第十九条 实行监理的建设工程,建设单位应当委托具有相应的资质等级和业务许可范围的监理单位进行监理。

第二十条 依照法律、法规的规定,应当采取招标投标方式选择监理单位的建筑工程项目,建设单位应当依法进行招标。

第二十一条 监理单位与建设单位应当签订书面建设工程监理合同。建设工程监理合同的拟订,可以参照国家制定的合同示范文本。其主要条款包括:监理的范围和内容、双方的权利与义务、监理酬金的计取标准与支付方式、违约责任、双方约定的其他事项。

第二十二条 监理单位应当根据合同约定的监理业务,成立由总监理工程师、监理工程师及其他监理人员组成的监理工作机构。并向建设单位报送委派的总监理工程师及其监理工作机构主要成员名单、监理规划。建设工程项目实施监理前,建设单位应当向勘察,设计以及施工单位发出书面通知,告知监理单位名称、监理内容、监理权限及总监理工程师姓名等事项;总监理工程师应当向勘察、设计和施工单位发出书面通知,告知项目监理工作机构组成人员姓名及监理权限。

第二十三条 监理项目实行总监理工程师负责制。总监理工程师应当根据监理合同对建设工程进行监督管理,并按照合同约定定期向建设单位报告监理工作。

第二十四条 实行监理的建设工程,其勘察、设计和施工单位应当接受监理单位的监督管理,并按照监理单位的要求及时提供与工程相关的必要资料。

第二十五条 承担施工阶段监理业务的监理工作机构应当进驻施工现场,派驻施工现场的总监理工程师、监理工程师应当具备与该工程施工阶段技术要求相适应的专业知识和管理能力。监理工作机构应当按照工程监理规范的要求,采取旁站、巡视和平行检验等,对建设工程实施监理。

第二十六条 监理工程师发现工程设计不符合国家颁布的建设工程质量标准、设计规范或者合同约定的质量等要求的,应当报告建设单位要求设计单位改正。监理工程师发现工程施工不符合工程设计要求、施工技术规范或者合同约定的,监理工程师应当出具总监理工程师签发的书面通知要求施工单位改正。总监理工程师对危及工程质量和安全的施工,应当按照监理权限及时下达停工指令。施工单位应当执行。

第二十七条 未经监理工程师签字,建筑材料、建筑构件配件和设备不得在工程上使用或者安装,施工单位不得进行下一道工序施工;未经总监理工程师签字,建设单位不得拨付工程款,不得进行竣工验收。总监理工程师、监理工程师不得指定或者暗示使用某一供应商的建筑材料、建筑构件配件和设备;不得利用职权故意刁难供应商或者承包商,向利益相关人索要财物。

第二十八条 实施监理过程中,建设单位对勘察、设计、施工单位和有关单位的工程建设指令属授权监理范围的,均应通过总监理工程师发布。建设单位应当授权一名熟悉工程情况、能在约定时间内作出答复的常驻代表,负责与监理单位联系需要更换常驻代表的,应当提前三日通知监理单位。建设单位发出的指令违反法律、法规规定的,总监理工程师有权拒绝执行,并书面通知建设单位。

第二十九条 监理单位不得与建设单位或者勘察、设计、施工单位以及设备材料供应商串通,弄虚作假,损害国家或者他人的合法利益。

第三十条 建设单位发现监理人员不按监理合同履行监理职责,或者与勘察、设计、施工单位以及设备材料供应商串通给建设单位或建设工程造成损失的,建设单位有权要求更换监理人员,直到终止合同并要求监理单位承担相应的赔偿责任或连带赔偿责任。

第三十一条 建设工程监理酬金计取标准,按照国家和省的有关规定执行。监理酬金单独列入工程概算。中外合资、外资和国外贷款建设的工程项目监理酬金的计取标准及付款方式,可以参照国际惯例由双方协商确定。

第四章 法律责任

第三十二条 建设单位违反本条例第十七条规定,必须实施监理的建设工程项目未实施监理的,由有关的行政管理部门责令其改正,处以二十万元以上五十万元以下的罚款。建设单位违反本条例第十九条例第九条第二款,第三款规定的,由有关行政管理部门责令其停止违法行为,处以合同约定的监理酬金一倍以上两倍以下的罚款,没收违法所得;可以责令停业整顿,降低资质等级;情节严重的,另吊销资质证书。监理单位违反本条例第九条第四款规定的,由有关行政管理部门责令其改正,没收违法所得,处以合同约定的监理酬金百分之二十五以上百分之五十以下的罚款,可以责令停业整顿,降低资质等级;情节严重的,吊销资质证书。违反本条例,未取得监理申请批准书或监理单位资质证书承接监理业务的,予以取缔,并依照本条第一款的规定处以罚款,没收违法所得。违反本条例,以欺骗手段取得资质证书的,吊销资质证书,依照本条第一款规定处以罚款,没收违法所得。

第三十四条 监理单位违反本条例第十三条规定承接监理业务的,由有关行政管理部门责令其改正,处以五万元以上十万元以下的罚款,没收违法所得,降低资质等级或者吊销资质证书。

第三十五条 监理单位违反本条例第二十九条规定的,由有关行政管理部门责令其改正,处以五十万元以上一百万元以下的罚款,降低资质等级或者吊销资质证书;没收违法所得;造成损失的承担连带赔偿责任。

第三十六条 总监理工程师、监理工程师违反本条例规定,给不合格的建筑工程、建筑材料、建筑构件配件和设备按照合格签字认可的,由有关行政管理部门责令其改正,对监理单位处以五十万元以上一百万元以下的罚款,没收违法所得;降低资质等级或者吊销资质证书;给建设单位造成损失的,依法承担连带赔偿责任。

第三十七条 总监理工程师、监理工程师违反本条例第二十七条第二款规定的,由有关行政管理部门责令其停止执业一年;造成重大质量事故、重大伤亡事故或者其他严重后果的,吊销执业资格证书,五年内不予注册;情节特别恶劣的,终身不予注册;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

第三十八条 监理工程师违反本条例第十二条第一款规定的,由有关行政管理部门责令其停止执业一年。总监理工程师、监理工程师违反本条例规定,工作严重失职或过错,造成质量事故的,由有关行政管理部门责令其停止执业一年;造成重大质量事故、重大伤亡事故或者其他严重后果的,吊销执业资格证书,五年内不予注册;情节特别恶劣的,终身不予注册;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

第三十九条 依照本条例规定,给予监理单位罚款处罚的,对监理单位直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员处以单位罚款数额的百分之五以上百分之十以下的罚款。

第四十条 本条例规定的责令停业整顿降低资质等级和吊销资质证书的行政处罚,由颁发证书的有关行政管理部门决定;其他行政处罚,由县级以上人民政府建设行政主管部门或者有关行政管理部门依照法律、法规规定的职权范围决定。

第四十一条 建设行政主管部门及其他有关行政管理部门的工作人员在建设工程监理管理工作中玩忽职守、滥用职权、徇私舞弊的,依法给予行政处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

第五章 附则

第四十二条 外国和港、澳、台地区监理单位进入本省承担监理业务以及中外合资、外商独资建设和利用国外贷款、捐款建设的工程项目,选择外国或者港、澳、台地区的监理单位进行监理的,均按国家有关规定执行。

第四十三条 本条例自2001年1月1日起施行。《广东省建设项目社会监理管理规定》同时废止。


译文标题:Regulations of Guangdong Province on the Supervisi

Ren Da Hui Yi No. 95

Issue Date: 24th December 2000
Effective Date: 1st January 2001
Issued by:
The People’s Congress of Guangdong Province

Chapter I General Principles

Article 1 In order to standardize the supervision over construction projects, to improve the management of construction projects, to make greater investment benefit, to ensure quality of construction projects and to defend legitimate rights and interests of construction units, supervision units and other relevant parties, these Regulations are hereby enacted in accordance with the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Construction and other relevant laws and regulations and in the light of the practical conditions of this Province.

Article 2 These Regulations shall be applicable to the supervision over the construction projects within the administrative divisions of this Province.

Article 3 The supervision over construction projects in these Regulations shall mean the supervisory control by units of supervision of projects, who are authorized by construction units within the contracted limits of power, over the enforcement of quality of construction projects, construction periods and control of the investment for construction pursuant to the relevant technical standard, design documents and contracts for undertaking projects. The construction units in these Regulations shall mean the social intermediary organizations with corporate personality, which are entitled to certificates of competence to enforce supervision over construction projects. The construction control engineers in these Regulations shall mean the professional personnel engaged in supervision at supervision units, who have been entitled to certificates of competence of construction control engineers and also granted job qualification certificates as certified construction control engineers.

Article 4 The administrative competent agencies in construction of the People’s Government at or above the county level shall exercise the centralized supervisory control over the supervision of the construction projects within these administrative divisions; any other relevant administrative agencies shall exercise supervisory control over the professional supervision of construction projects of their respective trades within their own limits of power under the relevant laws and regulations.

Article 5 Any and all units and the employed engaged in supervision of construction projects shall observe laws and disciplines adhering to the principle of sincerity, justice and science.

Chapter II Supervision Units and Supervisory Control

Article 6 Any application for the establishment of supervision units shall be subject to the examination and approval of the administrative competent agencies of construction of the People’s Government of the Province, who shall determine whether to approve the accepted application notifying the applicants in writing within 30 days or give reasons if refusing to approve the application. Anyone who is to establish a professional supervision unit of construction projects shall first of all solicit opinions of the relevant administrative agencies of the People’s Government of the Province. Those supervision units may start business provided that they go through all the industrial and commercial registration procedures with the documents of ratification on the application for construction supervision granted by the administrative competent agencies of construction of the People’s Government of the Province.

Article 7 The following requirements shall be satisfied as for the setup of a supervision unit:

(1) With name of unit and place of office provided by the unit;

(2) With personnel in charge of unit or technical personnel in charge having been granted to qualification of supervision engineers with titles of senior engineers or senior architects;

(3) With a certain number of full time supervision engineers as stipulated by the state;

(4) With registered capital, which reaches the minimum level as stipulated by the state;

(5) With the concluded articles of association of the unit; and

(6) Other requirements as stipulated by the state.

Article 8 The qualification of a supervision unit is to be classified into three grades, which shall be examined and approved by levels under the relevant regulations of the state. The appraisal requirements for the grades of qualification of a supervision unit and its business scope shall be subject to the relevant regulations of the state and of the People’s Government of the Province. The qualification of a supervision unit shall be annually inspected by the organ that appraises the grade of the qualification of the unit but without collection of any charges for annual inspection.

Article 9 Any and all supervision units shall undertake supervision business within the scope of the appraised grades of qualification. No supervision units may undertake supervision business beyond the authorized scope of the appraised grades of qualification, or in the name of other supervision units. Neither may any supervision units allow other organizations or individuals to undertake supervision business in the name of the former. It is forbidden for any supervision units to transfer their supervision business.

Article 10 Any supervision units from outside this Province who undertake supervision business in Guangdong shall go through registration procedures for their entry into Guangdong in the administrative competent agencies of construction of the People’s Government of the Province. Any supervision units of this Province, who are to undertake supervision business in other cities, shall apply for record in the administrative competent agencies of construction of the place where the supervision projects are located.

Article 11 Anyone who works at the post of a supervision engineer shall apply to the administrative competent agency of construction of the People’s Government of the Province for registration with certificates to practice as a supervision engineer granted by the state before he acquires his job qualification certificate as a supervision engineer. Those who hold job qualification certificates without registration may not undertake supervision business in the name of supervision engineers. Any supervision engineer may not personally undertake any supervision business.

Article 12 Any supervision engineer may not hold office for two or more supervision units. Any state functionaries in post or staff working for the institutions attached to administrative organs of construction projects shall not hold post in units of supervision.

Article 13 Any supervision units or supervision engineers, who maintain subordinate relations or other common interests with design or construction units of supervised projects, or suppliers of building materials, construction components, fittings or equipment, shall not undertake the supervision of these projects.

Article 14 As for the construction projects that must be put under supervision, the construction units shall determine supervision units according to law under these Regulations, and conclude contracts on the supervision of construction projects. Any administrative competent agencies may not grant construction licenses to any units without conclusion of the said contracts.

Article 15 Any supervision institutions over quality of construction projects authorized by administrative competent agencies of construction or other relevant administrative agencies, who, in the course of the enforcement of supervision over quality of projects, find supervision units that refuse to fulfill supervision obligations or fail to exercise supervision pursuant to the technical standard, norm and design documents or in violation of quality responsibility shall report to administrative competent agencies of construction or other relevant administrative agencies, who shall jointly settle the aforementioned matters.

Chapter III Implementation of Supervision

Article 16 The supervision over construction projects shall be classified into supervision at an early stage of construction, supervision in process, supervision at the stage of preparatory construction, supervision under construction and supervision at the stage of repairs and maintenance. And it shall be determined by construction units of their own accord whether supervision is to be exercised at the early stage before construction, or in the course of design or of repairs and maintenance.

Article 17 Supervision must be exercised over the following construction projects at the stage of preparatory construction and under construction:

(1) Key construction projects of the state, province or municipalities at or above a prefecture level;

(2) Construction projects in industries, communication, water conservancy, municipal public infrastructures, etc, whose total cost of construction projects is up to RMB 8 million or over;

(3) Construction projects of residential quarters whose total construction area is up to 20,000 square meters or over, or construction projects of general industries or civil construction projects with construction area for a unit up to 3,000 square meters or over;

(4) Construction projects with loans or assistant funds from foreign governments or international organizations;

(5) Other construction projects that must be supervised, which is prescribed by the state or the People’s Government of the Province. The administrative competent agencies of construction of the people’s governments of municipalities at or above the prefecture level may determine the scale standards below the level as stipulated in the aforementioned paragraphs in the light of the practical conditions of different localities, but the scopes of items in these Regulations may not be narrowed, all of which shall be enforced after reported to the people’s governments at the same level for approval and further reported to the administrative competent agencies of construction of the People’s Government of the Province for record. It shall be determined by construction units themselves whether other construction projects not stipulated in the aforementioned two paragraphs are to be exercised supervision.

Article 18 The construction units may authorize supervision units to undertake supervision at different stages or at any stage of construction projects. But the same supervision units shall be authorized to exercise supervision over the construction at preparatory stage and under construction. The specific scope and contents of supervision shall be agreed upon by contracts between both parties.

Article 19 As for any construction projects over which supervision is exercised, construction units with corresponding qualification grades and scope of business licenses are to be authorized by construction units for supervision.

Article 20 As for the construction projects for which supervision units are to be selected by tenders under the relevant laws and regulations, tenders shall be held by construction units according to law.

Article 21 Written supervision contracts for the construction projects shall be concluded between supervision units and construction units. The model contract texts formulated by the state may be consulted when the said contracts are to be drawn up with principal clauses included in scope and content for supervision, rights and obligations for both parties, calculation standard and payment terms of remuneration for supervision, liabilities for breach of contracts and other items as agreed upon by both parties.

Article 22 An organization for supervision composed of chief supervision engineers, supervision engineers and other personnel for supervision is to be set up by a supervision unit pursuant to the supervision business as agreed upon under contracts. And it is compulsory for a supervision unit to report the name lists of assigned chief supervision engineers, chief members in the organization and supervision planning. Before the enforcement of the supervision of a certain construction project, a construction unit shall notify in writing to its reconnoitering, designing and construction work units informing them of name of supervision unit, content of supervision, competencies for supervision, name of chief supervision engineer, while a chief supervision engineer shall notify in writing to the reconnoitering, designing and construction work unit informing of name list of the supervision organization and their competencies.

Article 23 A job responsibility system of chief supervision engineers for supervised projects shall be put into practice, in which chief engineers shall exercise supervisory control over construction projects under construction contracts and make regular reports to construction units about detailed supervision as agreed upon in contracts.

Article 24 Any and all reconnoitering, designing units or units in charge of construction shall accept the supervisory control by supervision units over construction projects under supervision, and provide them timely with the necessary documentary materials pertaining to the projects as required by supervision units.

Article 25 The supervision organizations that undertake supervision business in the course of construction shall be stationed in construction sites, and the assigned chief supervision engineers and supervision engineers to construction sites shall have mastery of the professional knowledge and managerial capacity, which may meet the requirements of the construction of projects. Any supervision organizations shall exercise supervisory control over construction projects by way of stationing, inspection and parallel test, etc pursuant to the supervision norm.

Article 26 Any supervision engineer, who finds the design of a project which is not in conformity with the quality standard and the design norm of construction projects promulgated by the state or the requirements as agreed upon in contracts, shall report to a construction unit urging a design unit to make corrections. Any supervision engineer, who finds any construction of a project which is not in conformity with the requirements of the project design or technical standard of construction or other requirements as agreed upon in contracts, shall make written notice signed by a chief supervision engineer to a construction unit for making corrections. Any construction that may endanger quality or safety of construction shall be ordered by a chief supervision engineer to have this construction stopped timely within his limit of authority for supervision, which shall be complied with by a construction unit.

Article 27 Any building materials, construction fittings, components or equipment may not be used or installed without authorized signatures of supervision engineers and neither may any construction unit go on with the construction of the next process; no funds for construction may not be appropriated by any construction unit or no completed construction project checked and accepted without authorized signatures of a chief supervision engineer. Any chief supervision engineer or supervision engineer may not designate or drop a hint to use building materials, construction fittings and components or equipment of a certain supplier, and neither may he take advantage of his power of office to deliberately make things difficult for any suppliers or contractors or claim properties from interested parties.

Article 28 In the course of implementation of supervision, any instructions or orders from construction units, which are within the scope of authorized supervision, to any reconnoitering, designing, construction units or other units concerned shall be all published by chief supervision engineers. A construction unit shall authorize a permanent representative who is familiar with the construction and also make replies within the specified limit of time to be responsible for the connection with a supervision unit. A prior notice shall be made to a supervision unit 3 days before the change of the permanent representative. In case the orders or instructions issued by construction units are in violation of laws and regulations, a chief supervision engineer is entitled to the refusal of execution by notifying in writing to the construction units.

Article 29 Any supervision unit may not collude with any construction units or reconnoitering, designing units, units in charge of construction or suppliers of equipment or building materials, neither may he practice fraud or infringe the state interests or legitimate rights and interests of others.

Article 30 After finding supervision personnel, who fail to fulfill their supervision duties under supervision contracts, or collude with reconnoitering, designing units, units in charge of construction or suppliers of equipment and building materials or cause loss to any construction projects, a construction unit shall have the right to claim changes of the said supervision personnel, or even terminate the contracts and urge the supervision units to be held responsible for the damages or joint compensation arising therefrom.

Article 31 The calculation and payment of remuneration for supervision over construction projects shall be subject to the relevant regulations of the state and the Province. All remuneration for supervision is to be brought into budgetary estimate of projects. As for the standard of calculation of the remuneration and the terms of payment for the supervision over construction projects with Chinese-foreign joint venture capital, foreign funds or foreign loans, the international practice in this respect shall be consulted for the determination of the aforementioned matters through consultation of both parties.

Chapter IV Legal Liability

Article 32 Any construction unit who, in violation of Article 17 of these Regulations, fails to exercise supervision over the construction projects that is compulsory to be exercised shall be ordered to make corrections by the relevant administrative agencies and imposed upon a fine of not less than RMB 200,000 but not more than RMB 500,000. Any construction unit in violation of Article 29 and the second and the third paragraphs of Article 9 of these Regulations shall be ordered to stop the illegal act, imposed upon a fine of not less than 1 time but not more than 2 times of the remuneration for supervision as agreed upon in the contract and confiscated of the illegal gains; or may be ordered to suspend the business for internal rectification or have the qualification degraded; if the circumstances are serious, the offender shall be have the qualification certificate revoked. Any supervision unit without certificate of ratification or qualification certificate who undertake supervision business shall be banned and imposed upon a certain amount of fine as stipulated in the first paragraph of this Article and confiscated of the illegal gains if any. Anyone who, in violation of these Regulations, obtains qualification certificate by means of deception shall have his qualification certificate revoked, imposed upon a certain amount of fine as stipulated in the first paragraph of this Article and confiscated of the illegal gains if any.

Article 34 Any supervision unit who, in violation of Article 13 of these Regulations, undertakes supervision business shall be ordered to make corrections, imposed upon a fine of not less than RMB 50,000 but not more than RMB 100,000, confiscated of the illegal gains, degraded the qualification or revoked the qualification certificate by the relevant administrative agencies.

Article 35 Any supervision unit in violation of Article 29 of these Regulations shall be ordered to make corrections, imposed upon a fine of not less than RMB 500,000 but not more than RMB 1,000,000, confiscated of the illegal gains, degraded the qualification or revoked the qualification certificate by the relevant administrative agencies; and shall be held liable for joint compensations for the loss arising therefrom.

Article 36 Any chief supervision engineer or supervision engineer who, in violation of these Regulations, approves with his signature unqualified construction projects, building materials, construction fittings, components or equipment as qualified ones shall be ordered to make corrections, and his supervision unit shall be imposed upon a fine of not less than RMB 500,000 but not more than RMB 1,000,000, confiscated of the illegal gains, degraded the qualification or revoked the qualification certificate by the relevant administrative agencies; and shall be held liable for joint compensations for the loss, if any, sustained by the construction unit.

Article 37 Any chief supervision engineer or supervision engineer in violation of the second paragraph of Article 27 of these Regulations shall be ordered by the relevant administrative agency to suspend his practice; if the offence causes major accident of quality or heavy casualties or other serious consequences, the offender shall have his qualification certificate to practice revoked, which may not be registered within five years; if the circumstances are absolutely serious, the qualification certificate to practice may not be registered for life; the offender shall be prosecuted for his criminal liability according to law if the offence constitutes a crime.

Article 38 Any supervision engineer in violation of the first paragraph of Article 12 of these Regulations shall be ordered by the relevant administrative agency to suspend his practice for a year. Any chief supervision engineer or supervision engineer who, in violation of these Regulations, seriously neglects his duties or commit gross errors that lead to a quality accident shall be ordered by the relevant administrative agency to suspend his practice for a year; if the offence causes major accident of quality or heavy casualties or other serious consequences, the offender shall have his qualification certificate to practice revoked, which may not be registered within five years; if the circumstances are absolutely serious, the qualification certificate to practice may not be registered for life; the offender shall be prosecuted for his criminal liability according to law if the offence constitutes a crime.

Article 39 A fine of not less than 5% but not more than 10% of the total fine of his unit shall be imposed upon the personnel in charge of a supervision unit or other personnel directly liable provided that the supervision unit has been imposed upon fines under these Regulations.

Article 40 Any administrative sanctions such as orders to suspend business for internal rectification, degradation of qualification and revocation of qualification certificates as stipulated in these Regulations shall be decided by the relevant administrative agencies; other administrative sanctions shall be decided by administrative competent agencies of construction or other administrative agencies at or above the county level within their limits of authorities under the relevant laws and regulations.

Article 41 Any staff member of an administrative competent agency of construction or other relevant administrative agency who, in the course of supervisory control over construction projects, neglects his duties, abuses his power of office, or practices irregularities for personal gains shall be subject to administrative sanctions according to law; if the offence constitutes a crime, the offender shall be prosecuted for his criminal liability according to law.

Chapter V Supplementary Rules

Article 42 The relevant regulations of the state shall be applicable to the supervision business within this Province, which is undertaken by supervision units from foreign countries or from districts of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, and construction projects with Chines-foreign join venture capital, solely-funded foreign capital, foreign loans or donations, over which supervision units from foreign countries or districts of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan are selected to exercise supervision.

Article 43 These Regulations shall take effect as of 1st January 2001. The Rules of Guangdong Province on the Social Supervisory Control over Construction Projects shall be abolished accordingly.

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