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Dr. Hongyi Yin

He holds a PHD in business administration from Beijing Normal University and a Master of Science degree in finance from McCann University, USA. He attended Beijing Foreign Studies University from 1978 to 1982 and majored in English. He was a visiting scholar at Lafayette College in Easton, Pennsylvania, USA in 1988-1989.
Dr. Yin is currently Adjunct Research Fellow in Public Policy at Tsinghua University and a top advisor to English Digest, a bilingual magazine operating from Beijing.


Dennis Panfil

Dennis holds a Masters degree from UC-Berkley in Aeronautical Engineering and a masters degree in Social work from Cal State -Long beach. His two bachelors degrees are a Bachelors of Science in Physics from M.I.T. and a Bachelors of Arts in Architectural Design from Arizona State University.


Jacqueline Pi

2001-2004 - Major in English(Diploma from Tian Jin Foreign Language University)and get Bachelor Degree in 2004 August 2004-2005 - Interpretation Certificate (Primary and Senior) from Beijing Foreign Study University Certificate from Chinese Educational Bureau) Was working for CNOO- MBZ Nanhai Petrochemical Project, Shenzhen Flowservice.Co.Ltd and Shenzhen BOT Co. Ltd, and working as freelance interpreter since 2008.

