今天专业翻译告诉你没脑子的人、不长脑子怎么用英语说或者翻译呢? 记得小时候看过一部动画片叫做《没头脑和不兴奋》,里面的两个主人公一个丢三落四没头脑,一个整天不兴奋,并由此引发了一些闹剧。今天我们就来说说英语里是怎么表达“没头脑”这个意思的。 An airhead is someone whose head is full of air. He or she hasn’t got any sensible or realistic ideas and is rather a silly and unintelligent person. Airhead指脑中除了空气,空无一物的人,即我们所说的“空脑壳”或“没脑子的人”。他们的脑子想不出任何有现实意义的主意,基本上属于愚钝、缺少聪明的人。 For example: Michael forgot to bring his passport for his flight to Sydney. What an airhead! 迈克尔去赶飞往悉尼的飞机,但健忘带护照了。真是没脑子! The opposite of an airhead is an egghead. An egghead is a very studious and intellectual person. However it isn’t always used in a complementary manner. Airhead的反义词是egghead,指学识赅博的人,但有时在句子里不一定表示褒奖。 For example: John is such an egghead, he should get out more and enjoy himself. 约翰都快成书呆子了,他应该多出去转转,放松一下。