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    Multilingual DTP
Bowwin Translation's team of DTP experts who can desktop publish (typeset) your translated text in many file formats, including:
Page Maker QuarkXpress Corel Draw InDesign
Adobe Illustrator FreeHand FrameMaker MS Office

We can DTP in:
Arabic Chinese Czech Danish Dutch
English Filipino Finnish French German
Greek Hebrew Hindi Hungarian Indonesian
Italian Japanese Korean Latin Malay
Mongolian Norwegian Polish Portuguese Russian
Spanish Swedish Thai Turkish  

The main advantage of outsourcing your DTP work with your translation is that your operators/designers do not have to deal with languages they do not know, thus avoiding the risk of pieces of text being reconstituted incorrectly. If you use Bowwin Translation, you can be sure that your material will be laid out appropriately just as it would be if your designers were working in their own mother tongue. You will receive a file from us which is ready to send to your printers or if you don't have an existing printer, we can organise the printing too!

Simply send us your source file in one of the above formats, supporting graphics and/or logos, and your Word document for translation (if available), and we'll do the rest! We can supply EPS or JPEG files of translations if you are working on a Macintosh platform. This allows you to work with the translations provided without having to buy expensive fonts to support non-Roman fonts (e.g. Chinese, Russian, Hindi, Urdu, Punjabi, Gujarati, Arabic, Bengali, Greek etc.)

Our professional translation service takes many forms and we work in different formats, so if you need document translation, software localization, website localization, DTP or anything else translated promptly and well, ask for a free quote here or contact us today on:
(Hongkong)  Tel.:  +852-2381 8268 / +852-5370 9907 (WhatsApp同號) Email: wy@bowwin.com
(Shenzhen HQ.) Tel.: 86-755- 8304 2538   Email: contact@bowwin.com

Bowwin Translation Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. All products or services mentioned are trademarks or service
marks of their respective owners.