1、When we stretch a rubber band, holding one end in each hand, we must pull as hard with our left hand as as with our right. 當我們雙手各執橡皮筋一端拉伸時,左手用多大力,右手也用多大力。(并不一定指用力很大)。
2、It follows that within a community we must recognize as many different environments as there are different species. 因此,在一個生物群落中有多少種不同的生物,我們就會認出多少種不同的環境。(并不一定很多。)
3、Line AB is not as long as line CD, but a little shorter. 線段AB同線段CD不一樣長,AB稍短一點。(并不一定長。)
4、Nevertheless, even within a community as small as a freshwater spring, we can recognize several quite distinct habitats. 而且,甚至生存范圍像一個淡水泉那么小的群落中,我們也可以找出幾個截然不同的棲息地。
5、If find simultaneously, the 4,032 capacitors would produce for a few microseconds twice as much current as generated elsewhere on earth. 4,032 只電容器如果同時放電,在幾微秒鐘內可能發出相當于世界發電總量兩倍的電源。
6、Helium is the lightest of all gases except hydrogen. It is more than seven times as light as air. 除了氫,氦是所有氣體中最輕的。它的重量不到空氣的七分之一。
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