由于國際交流的需要,我國的科技論文往往要譯成外文。譯者必須持嚴謹的態度,首先弄懂論文的科技內容,然后準確、通順地用外文表達,應此需要付出艱巨的勞動。下面就三個問題談談筆者在科技論文漢譯英的實踐中的一些體會。 一、專門術語的翻譯 專門術語是根據學科的不同而異的。為了正確翻譯專門術語,譯者必須熟悉專業知識,勤查專業英文資料和詞典,以求得確切的譯名。例如: 1.原文:在無模型的情況下進行試驗。 譯文:The test is carried out without patterns. 說明:本句中的"模型"也稱為"模樣",是用木材、金屬等材料制成的鑄件原型,故應譯成pattern. 2.原文:隨著吃砂量減少,狹縫處的平均硬度急劇下降。 譯文:With the decrease in the mould thickness, the average hardness of the narrow seam is decreased intensely. 說明:"吃砂量"是指砂型從型腔表面到砂箱內壁、頂面或底面的距離,應譯成mould thickness,決不能逐詞死譯成the amount of the swallowed,猶如船只吃水量應譯成draught,而不說the capacity of absorbing the water. 3.原文:濕砂造型緊實的特點 譯文:the characteristics of impaction and compaction for green sand 說明:"濕砂"是指含自由水的型砂,應譯成green sand,而不能譯成wet sand,正如澆灌后尚未干透的混凝土稱作green comcrete,而不能譯成not completely dried concrete. 有些專門術語是作者創造的新詞或通俗行話。這些詞往往無對應的英語術語,翻譯時須按上下文弄清其意義,明確地表達出來。例如: 4.原文:當填砂高度較小或模型復雜、鑄型深凹比相對較大時,適當設置排氣塞。 譯文:When the height of the filled sand is comparatively small or the pattern is complex and the ratio of the pattern height to the size of the narrow side of the mould is comparatively large, it is necessary to set vent plugs. 說明:"深凹比"指的是"模樣高與狹邊尺寸之比"。 二、詞的增補與省略 漢英兩種語言由于用詞造句的規律不同,故在表達同一思想內容時,有時需要在英譯文中增補一些中文原文中沒有的詞語或省略一些從譯文角度來看是多余的詞語,才能使譯文更符合英語的表達習慣,更切合愿意。例如: 5.原文:利用氣流沖擊試驗機進行造型工藝試驗,使用的型砂為南昌柴油機廠高壓造型用砂。 譯文:When the moulding technological test is carried out on the air impulse test moulding machine, the moulding sand employed is the sand used by Nanchang Diesel Factory for high-pressure moulding. 說明:譯文中增加連詞when及介詞by和for,使語意明確,合乎英語表達方式。 6.原文:The noise made by this mechanism is low, which conforms to The National Noise Standards of Workers' Working Places for Newly-Constructed, Expanded and Reconstructed Industrials Enterprises. 說明:譯文中增加made by,把原文中裝置所發出的噪音的含義表示出來。增加關聯詞which,引出非限制性定語從句,以明確"裝置噪音低"與符合國家標準 的邏輯關系。 7.原文:真正實砂耗氣量是很小的,所以氣流沖擊實砂可減少壓縮空氣的消耗,收到節能的效果。 譯文:The real air consumption for compacting the sand is low; therefore, the process of sand-impulsing and compacting by air flow may decrease the consumption of compressed air, which results in energy economy. 說明:增加the process of表示這個"工作法"所產生的效果。增加which的理由同前例。 三、長句處理 科技論文中長句較多,譯成英語時,除有些地方須增補一些連詞、介詞或關聯詞外,一般仍可保持長句形式。但有的長句中說明語太長,為了便于理解,可按層次拆譯成幾個短句。例如: 8.原文:因此,氣流通道面積大,所以該機構有助于提高氣流沖擊實砂時的壓力梯度,從而提高實砂效果。 譯文:Therefore, the area of air-flow passage is larger, so that the mechanism helps increase the pressure gradient during the impact of air flow against the sand, thus increasing the effect of sand-compacting. 說明:長句譯成長句,語序基本相同。 9.原文:因此,關于閥的開啟有效行程應當是指氣包壓力開始下降(即氣箱壓力明顯上升)的A∣ 點到氣包壓力開始趨于平穩的B∣ 點閥所經歷的行程。 譯文:Therefore, the effective stroke of the valve during opening should be the distance the air valve travels from point A∣ to point B∣. At point A∣ the pressure in the air tank begins to fall (that is, the pressure in the clearance of the upper part of the flask begins to rise obviously). At point B∣ the pressure in the air tank begins to be steady. 說明:長句分譯成三個短句,使之主次分明,句意清晰。 10.原文:本工藝具有造型速度快,生產效率高,工藝性能優良,綜合經濟效益高,勞動條件好等優點,引起世界鑄造工作者的關注。 譯文:This technology has the advantages of great moulding speed, high production efficiency, fine technological performances, excellent overall economic results and good labour conditions, excellent overall economic results and good labour conditions. Therefore, it has been taken notice of by foundry businesses all over all over the world. 說明:將長句譯成兩個短句。后面單成一句,說明前句的效果,更加突出。
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