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1、The very short wave lengths of ultrasound make a great difference in what ordinary sound waves caves waves can do. 超聲波的波長極短,其功能與普通聲波相比大不相同。(帶定語的名詞性短語拆譯)
2、Manufacturing processes may be classified as unit production with small quantities being made and mass production with large numbers of identical parts being produced.制造過程可以分為單件生產和大量生產。前者指的是生產少量的零件,后者則是指生產大量相同的零件。(介詞短語拆譯)
3、This development is in part a result of experimental studies indicating that favorable alterations in the determinants of myocardial oxygen consumption may reduce ischemic injury and that reduction in after load may be associated with improved cardiac performance .從某種程度上講,這方面的進展是實驗研究的結果。實驗研究表明,心肌耗氧量的決定因素的改善可減輕局部缺血性損害,并且,負荷的減輕也能改善心肌功能。(介詞短語拆譯)
4、He placed a resistor in parallel with the other only to make the current become greater.把一個電阻與另一個并聯,反而使電流變得更大了。(不定式短語拆譯)
5、The research work is being done by a small group of dedicated and imaginative scientists who specialize in extracting from various sea animas substances that may improve the health of the human race .一群人數不多的專心致志并富于想象力的科學家正在進行這項研究工作,他們專門研究從各種海洋動物中提取能增進人類健康的物質。(從句拆譯)
Not until 1632 did Europeans find a successful treatment for the disease, when the Spanish discovers of one of the trees growing there often ended Indians of Peru that the bark of one the trees growing there often ended a patient's attack of malaria. 直到1632年,歐洲人才找到這種病(指瘧疾)的成功療法。這一年,發現新大陸的西班牙人從秘魯的印第安人那里了解到當地的一種樹皮常能治愈病人的瘧疾發作。
Mot complete and accurate reporting of dengue hemorrhagic fever was recommended by a technical advisory group which met in the WHO Region Office the Western Pacific in Manila from 6 to 8 December 1978 .1978年12月6日至8日,在馬尼拉召開的世界衛生組織西太平洋地區辦事處會議上,一個技術顧問組就登革出血熱問題作了較為全面而且精辟的發言。
Give fluid orally or parenterally as necessary to prevent dehydration.必要時,口服或不經腸道補給液體,以防止脫水。
Despite the impressive laboratory and other research facilities at IARC's modern 14-story headquarters on the outskirts of Lyons, only a fraction of the 32 scientists,42 technicians and staff of 60 representing more than 20 countries can be found there at any given time. The rest are out in the field conducting epidemiological studies on five continents.IARC(國際癌癥研究機構)總部設在里昂近郊,是一幢十四層高的現代化大廈。雖然它擁有給人印象深刻的實驗室和其他各種科研設施,但不管在任何時候,你在那里都只能看到代表著20多個國家的32名科學家、42名技術人員和60名職員中的一部分。其他人員都在五大洲實地進行流行病學研究。
To cure cancer, it is, however, necessary for the medical personnel as well as the patients first to criticize the erroneous idealist view that regards malignancy as "incurable" so as to build up confidence in fighting and eradicating cancer and gain better therapeutic results.
原譯者將原文中that regards malignancy as "incurable" he in fighting and eradicating cancer 這兩個成分進行了拆譯。從漢語的習慣看來,這種拆譯反而使譯文在語氣上有些不連貫,結構上 也有點松散,因此不如不拆為好。試改譯如下:
The World Health Organization is helping national governments to get rid of malaria before resistance among the mosquito population becomes so great that new poisons will have to be found to replace those in use at present.
原譯文采用的基本上是順拆的手法,譯者將so great that...這個習慣搭配進行了拆譯,致使譯文有些前后矛盾。既然"在……之前"已把瘧疾撲滅,何必待將來再去尋找新的殺蟲藥。如果將始拆點定在before re sistance。。。這里,先敘述蚊子的抗藥性,再提出全句的其他成分,或許更好些,試改譯為:

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