糧油食品類 cereals,oils and foodstuffs 化工產品類 chemical products 土畜產類 native produce &animal by-products 機械產品類 machinery products 紡織絲綢類 textiles and silks 儀器產品類 instrumental products 輕工業產品類 light industrial products 五金礦產類 metals & minerals 工藝品類 arts and crafts 技術出口類 technology exports 醫藥類 medicines and drugs
糧油食品類 糧谷(Cereals) 肉食(Meats) 蛋品(Eggs and Egg Products) 豆類(Beans and Peas) 水果(Fruits) 蔬菜(Vegetables) 油籽(Oilseeds) 罐頭(Canned Goods) 酒(Wines,Beers and Liquors) 油品(Oils) 軟飲料(Soft Drinks) 糖果(Confectioneries) 糖(Sugar) 餅干(Biscuits) 奶制品(Dairy product) 米制品(Rice product) 面制品(Flour product) 方便食品(convenient Foods) 花生制品(Groundnut products) 調味品(Condiments) 鹽(Salts) 雜項食品(Miscellaneos products) 飼料(Feedstuffs)
土畜產品 土產品(Native Products) 工業原料(Industrial Raw Materials) 畜產制品(Animal By-Products)
紡織絲綢類 原料類(Raw Materials) 半成品(Semi-Manufactured Goods) 成品(Manufactured Goods)
輕工業產品類 日用百貨(General Merchandise) 鞋(footwears) 塑料制品(Plastic Articles) 箱包及皮件(Suitcase,Bags and Leather Products) 紙張(Paper) 紙制品(Paper Products) 文教用品(Stationery) 體育用品(Sports Goods) 西洋樂器(Western Musical Instruments) 中國民族樂器(Chinese Musical Instruments) 玩具(Toys) 照相及電影器材(Photographic and Cinemato graphic Supplies) 家用電器(Household Electrieal Appliance) 建筑材料(Building Materials) 玻璃器皿(Glasswares) 廚具(Kitchen Wares)
工藝品類 玉制品(Jade products) 珠玉等(Percious Stones,etc) 手袋(Handbag) 手套(Gloves) 帽(Headwears) 傘(Umbrella) 家具(Furnitures) 瓷器(Porcelain Wares) 編織品(weaved and Knited Products) 扇(Fan) 畫(Painting and picture) 工藝品(Arts and Crafts)
機械類產品 機床(Machines Tools) 動力機械及設備(Power Machines and Equipments) 輕紡機械(Machinery for Light Industry and textile Industry) 石油化工機械(Petro—Chemical Machinery) 印刷機械(Machinery for printing Industry) 糧食加工機械(Cereals Processing Machines) 食品加工機械(Foodstuff Making Machines) 成套工業設備(Complete Industrial Equipments) 運輸機械(Transport Machinery) 拖拉機及輔助設備(Tractors and Auxiliary Equipments) 其它農業機械(Other and Agricultural Machines) 工具和農具(Tools and Agricultural Implements) 雜項機械(Miscellaneous Machinery)
儀器產品類 光學儀器(Optical Instruments) 電子儀器(Electronic Instruments) 分析儀器(Analytical Instruments) 通訊設備(Communication Equipments) 儀器儀表和電子元件(Nuclear Instruments and Computers) 核子儀器和計算機(Nuclear Instruments and Computers) 實驗室儀器(Laboratory Instruments) 醫療儀器(Medical Instruments) 化工儀器及其它(Chemical Apparatus and Others) 自動化控制儀表(Automation Control Instruments) 電工儀表(Electric Instruments) 材料試驗機(Material Testing Machines) 示教儀器(Educational Instruments and Equipments) 其它儀器(Other Instruments)
五金礦產類 非金屬礦產品和制品<(Non-Metallic Minerals & Products) 建筑五金及制品(Building Harware&Metal Products) 耐火材料(Refractory Material) 鑄鐵制品(Cast Iron Products) 非金屬建筑材料(Non-metallic Building Materials) 銅、鋁制品(Brass,Copper&Aluminium Product) 有色金屬(Non-Ferrous Metals)
技術出口類 生產技術(Technology for Producing) 研究、方法(Research Method) 材料(Materials) 其它(Others) 成套設備和技術裝置(Complete Sets&Equipments) 新工藝和生產線(New Process&Production Line)
醫藥類 藥材(Crude Drugs) 西藥(Western Medicines) 中國醫藥保健品(Chinese Medicines&Health Produts)
化工產品類 原油及石油產品(Crude Oil&Petroleum Products) 橡膠及橡膠制品、乳膠制品(Rubber&Rubber Products,Latex products) 無機化工原料(Inorganic Chemicals) 化學試劑(Chemical Reagents) 有機化工原料(Organic Chemicals) 其它產品(Miscellaneous Products) 染料、顏料、油漆、油墨、農藥、塑料(Dyestuffs Pigments Paints Printing Inks PESticides Plastics)
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