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We can never go back again, that much is certain. The past is still too close to us. The things we have tried to forget and put behind us would stir again, and that sense of fear, of furtive unrest, struggling at length to blind unreasoning panic - now mercifully stilled, thank God - might in some manner unforeseen become a living companion, aw it had been before.
He is wonderfully patient and never complains, not even when he remember-- which happens, I think, rather more often than he would have me know. ?I can tell by the way he will look lost and puzzled suddenly, all expression dying away from his dear face as though swept clean by an unseen hand, and in its place a mask will form, a sculptured thing, formal and cold, beautiful still but lifeless. He will fall to smoking cigarette after cigarette, not bothering to extinguish them, and the glowing stubs will lie around on the ground like petals. He will talk quickly and eagerly about nothing at all, snatching at any subject as sa panacea to pain. I believe there is a theory that men and women emerge finer and stronger after suffering, and that to advance in this or any world we must endure ordeal by fire. Known fear, and loneliness, and very great distress. I suppose sooner or particular devil who rides us and torments us, and we must give battle in the end. We have conquered ours, or so we believe.

The devil does not ride us any more. We have come through our crisis, not unscathed of course. His premonition kof disaster was correct from the beginning; and like a ranting actress in an indifferent play, I might say that we have paid for freedom. But I had senses if they could ensure us our present peace and securioty. Hap-state of mind. Of course we have our moments of depression; but runs on into eternity and, catching his smile, I know we are together, we march in unison, no clash of thought or of olinion makes a barrier between us.




他怎能瞞過我的眼睛?有時,他顯出茫然若有所失的樣子,可愛的臉上,所有的表情消失得一干二凈,仿佛被一只無形的手一下子全抹掉了似的,取而代之的是一副面具,一件雕塑品,冷冰冰,一本正經,縱然不失英俊,卻毫無生氣;有時,他會猛地抽香煙,一支接一支,甚至連煙蒂也顧不上弄熄,結果,那閃著火星的煙頭就像花瓣似地在他周圍散了一地;有時,他胡亂找個什么話題,口若懸河,凌晨得眉飛色舞,其實什么內容也沒有,無非是想借此排解心頭的憂傷。我聽到過一種說法:不論哪一對夫妻,只要經歷苦難磨練,就會變得更高尚、更堅強,因此在今世或來世做人,理當忍受火刑的考驗。這話聽上去有點似是而非,不過我倆倒是充分領略了其中的滋味。我倆 經歷過恐懼,孤獨和極大的不幸。我沉得,每個人在自己的一生中遲早會面臨考驗,我們大家都有各自特定的惡魔或者說我們想信自己戰勝了。


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